Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hymns are relevant!


I am a fellow worshipper of Christ who, perhaps like you, has found universal truth for the 21st Century in the Hymns of the Church.

Many argue that the Hymns are old, churchy and irrelevant to today's believer; but I beg to differ. I find that week after week, we are singing complicated, poorly written lyrics to "original" worship songs while we neglect the beautifully crafted, timeless treasures which have been passed on to us by faithful believers who have experienced God in the midst of hardship, suffering and persecution and found Him to be Faithful and True.

It is my sincere desire to find common ground between traditional hymnody and contemporary Christian worship songs, and maybe help to effect a reconciliation and harmony between the two, so that the rich heritage we have been given won't be lost to the next generation.

Several of today's songwriters have written contemporary versions of hymns, but by and large we are excluding this form of music in our attempt to be "relevant."

I welcome your thoughts, posts and prayers as we explore new ways to connect to our heritage as we move ever closer to our eternal Home. May the Lord bless our efforts.


1 comment:

  1. Very well said! I too feel that we have lost something when we left behind all teh hymns
